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    Fried Kunststofftechnik

    How Fried Creates Digital Paint Programs


    In an interview, Mr. Eyer, project manager at Fried Kunststofftechnik, and Mr. Davi, paint shop programmer at Fried Kunststofftechnik, report on the greatest advantages of offline programming and automated paint shops and why more and more customers are opting for robotic painting.

    What were the main drivers for building a paint shop at Fried?

    Due to the increasing number of customers and the constantly increasing demands on surface quality and process reliability, Fried invested in a fully automatic paint shop in 2012. The system also has many advantages for Fried and our customers from an economic point of view and in times of a shortage of skilled workers.

    When did Fried start working with robots?

    The first painting robots were used over 30 years ago, since economic automation was already used at that time. However, the technology is hardly comparable with today’s systems. Robots and systems have become safer and reproducibility has increased.


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